Marquez – The Real Star of Mayweather-Marquez 24/7 series

By Boxing News - 09/14/2009 - Comments

marquez433456By Manuel Perez: As another fine site already pointed out, Juan Manuel Marquez has thus far stolen the show in the HBO Mayweather-Marquez 24/7 series. Never mind the one small blip on the series where Marquez let slip that he sometimes drinks his own pee, he has shown again and again to have more star quality than the rather boring to watch Mayweather. It’s something that goes beyond words that are said obviously, because Marquez’s words in Spanish are shown in subtitles rather than in English.

However, Marquez has so much physical presence and star appeal, without speaking a word, he’s much more interesting to watch than Mayweather in my view. I’m usually bored to tears when fighters start marching out their family and talking about fighting for them. That stuff is so tedious and redundant to listen to because they all say the same thing. But when Marquez says them, he seems kind of cool. I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me when Mayweather talks about his own family.

I don’t know but maybe it’s the look that Mayweather has on his face when he’s talking about them. As if on cue, Mayweather starts looking teary-eyed and I’m like, ‘here we go again, Mayweather’s going to cry.’ I’ve had it up to here with Mayweather crying I don’t like seeing that kind of thing. Men in my culture don’t cry. We don’t show emotion when we’re hurt, bleeding or whatever.

This is why I find it so repellent to see Mayweather with the water works. Thankfully, Mayweather spared us with the crying or the hound dog eyes in this latest episode. I’m praying that Mayweather keeps it together emotionally on the final episode on Friday night. Maybe I’m sick of Mayweather because I’ve seen his act on past HBO 24/7 series where he’s done his thing with the bragging and all.

Now, it’s like Mayweather has become a caricature of himself and it’ forlorn. Unless he could remake himself with every episode, it’s old, played and beyond boring to me. I’ve seen it and want to turn the channel. The makers of the HBO 24/7 series need to see what I’m seeing and should try to put Mayweather in different environments that can get him to show some new emotion where he can give the poor viewers another side to Mayweather’s stale persona. Of course, HBO is not going to do it because they’re asleep at the wheel, just blinding following Mayweather around without giving direction.

The good thing about Marquez is that he doesn’t need any kind of prodding by HBO. The guy is a star without the need to be put in elaborate settings. Marquez doesn’t need props like Mayweather because he’s got that movie star appeal to him. Marquez is like James Dean and Marlon Brando all rolled up into one. Marquez doesn’t need to lift a finger to get attention from the HBO viewers because he has star appeal.

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