The decline of boxing

deontay4444By Ryan M. Skelton: Boxing at one point in time was the purest sport in the world. A sport which could captivate the masses, a sport in which pitted titans against each other. It was our version of The Gladiators –  the squared circle was the Colosseum and two warriors would wage war for the most important thing of all; self respect and pride. Boxing was all about blood, guts and glory. The best fought the best and the climb to the top of the mountain was a long painful road depicting self sacrifice and the concrete ambition of changing ones life.

With that being said my first point is that this day and age some fighters are awarded high rankings for fighting tomato cans and people that are essentially paid to lose. No disrespect to said boxers as everyone deserves immense respect for stepping in to the lions den as essentially they are endangering their lives.  Granted, boxers need to be built up carefully and must be fed a steady diet of sacrificial lamb in order to gain experience and improve.

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