Why Pacquiao will not fight Marquez in 2011

By Boxing News - 12/31/2010 - Comments

by Francisco Hernandez: Future boxing writers will not remember Manny Pacquiao for any boxing greatness, because time will give them the perspective to realize how ordinary he really is. Of course today’s main stream media gives Pacquiao all kinds of accolades, how he is so nice, and his accomplishments in government, etc, but they are usually speaking of Pacquiao as a person and not as a boxer. The boxing media is strangely also beholden to Pacquiao, though this should not be a surprise if you take into account that they are probably being paid by someone who has some interest in Pacquiao, or they don’t have the least idea of how tell the difference between real fights and stacked fights.

Pacquiao will be remembered for having turned the sport of Boxing into a Bobby-Soxer fan based sport. Bobby Soxers were originally overzealous impressionable adolescent girls who blindly followed their idols. It is not that Pacquiao has an exclusive teenage female following but rather that his dazzled fans resemble teenage Bobby-Soxers, they are overzealous and impressionable casual fans.

With his Bobby-Soxer following Pacquiao will never need to fight another legitimate opponent. Manny Pacquiao’s ability to empty pockets will last until the Bobby Soxers are no longer interested, by that time he may already be retired. True boxing fans have been thrown under the bus, sacrificed for the sake of the fickle Bobby Soxers who will tune out of boxing as soon as Pacquiao is gone. That is the way things are.

After the last fight with Juan Manuel Marquez, Manny Pacquiao whose face looked like he had been in a cage with a tiger, was asked whether he would give Marquez a rematch, Manny being his simple self and unscripted answered that he was through fighting these types of fights. Manny has made good on his promise not to be in those types of fights.

Juan Manuel Marquez is an old fighter by boxing standards; he is 37 years old, an age when most fighters have long retired. It is a testament to the greatness of Marquez’s boxing skills that he has been able to prolong his boxing career so long; he is a brilliant technical boxer. Marquez probably has one more year 2011 before age starts to take a toll on him that his skills will not counter. This is the year 2011 that a legitimate fight between Marquez and Pacquiao should be made. It is highly doubtful that fight will be made, unless Marquez is 39 or 40 years old and has no more reflexes left. Manny Pacquiao has been known for his fights against shot fighters but he has a hit a new low in choosing to fight boxing senior citizen Shane Mosley. This could be the next strategy for Pacquiao’s team, wait until great fighters turn 39 or 40, and then beat the hell out of them. Bobby Soxers will be up in a roar, swaying back and forth, humming the Pacquiao tune.

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