Assessing Manny Pacquiao’s Place in Boxing History

pac78By Anthony Mason: Recently, I published – – an article analyzing Floyd Mayweather’s career, and I thought it would only be fair to do the same for Manny Pacquiao. As is the case with Floyd Mayweather, I believe that only irrational fans will place Pacquiao in the league of all-time great status. Pacquiao is certainly a great boxer and one of the best of his era, but not near the highest ranks in boxing history.

There is no shame in being a good but not all-time great boxer. Boxing has a very deep history so it should not be considered a huge shock to place Mayweather or Pacquiao outside the league of the all-time greats. Let’s look at Pacquiao’s best opponents, starting with Barrera. Before Barrera, Pacquiao was not considered an elite boxer, and he had not fought any elite fighters.

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Does Floyd Mayweather Jr belong with the all-time greats?

floyd11222I believe that people who claim Floyd Mayweather Jr or Manny Pacquiao to be all time greats are confused when it comes to boxing. Mayweather, although clearly pound for pound number one today, is extremely overrated and is nothing compared to all-time greats in my view. Misinformed fans try to put Floyd in the top 45 all time because Floyd appears great by dominating a weak era – just like Rocky Marciano and Wilt Chamberlain dominated weak eras in their time.

Let’s look at Floyd’s “noteworthy” wins.

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